Monday, June 20, 2011


People always ask me, “Why movies? Why don’t you just play football or something? Making movies is dumb. Why do you want to make movies for a living?”  And all I can say is “God put me on this earth for a reason, and my reason is to change this world but film.” You see, since a young age I have been put in front of movies.  I remember my mom putting on “Star Wars” in the morning and when it was finished, I would beg her to play it again. This would go on four or five time’s everyday day.  On top of that, when I went to my grandparent’s house they did the same thing. The only difference was instead of “Star Wars” it was “Lion King.”  I do not know if they did this to shut me up or what but it worked.  I was mesmerized in the colors and visual effects that both movies brought. Even at a young age, I would memorize lines in the movies. This made me feel like I was in the movie.  This is when the drive for movies started raging in my blood.  Even till this day, I look at every movie trailer and imagine myself in the movie. Yea it is dumb, but I love it. In addition, I would view movie and think in my head what changes I could make to better the movie.  Look, I love everything about movies.  Just like if you love football, basketball, or even chess. You and I love these things because we exposed to them. This made us feel live and fun. So all I can say is do what you love. Do not feel you need to change anything just because people ask “Why?”  You could change the world one day with your talent…remember that…...Tell-A-Vision.          


  1. im such a victim of this. because of my height everyone, everyday no matter where i go ask me if i play...thats right u guessed it, basketball. wht a pain. and then after u tell them no i dont play they all like "WHAT!!, WHY!!!, u tall for nothing". and i tell them, "that jus maybe tru". basketball use to be wht i wanted to do in life but wen u sit on the bench for almost half the season that has to be God tellin you this is not wht i put u here to do. Now my real passion is art, graphic arts to be specific. i love making pictures do wht i want them to do and i have to say im damn good at it. Ive always had a thing for art jus never got into it till my other fantasy of the NBA was obviously not goin to happen. but i still love playing for the fun of the sport, nothing more nothing less. But my passion will always and forever be graphics

  2. yea...well thanks for telling me that...all i can say is do what you do best and what you love....Tell-A-Vision
