Saturday, June 18, 2011

My First Post

Yea everyone this is Jalenhunter72094. This is the first post this site. I have made many movies and soon you will be able to view some of there. I hope this post is the start to many more...thank you


  1. What is the latest movie you have seen? What did you like or dislike about it?

  2. Well the last movie i saw was the Hangover 2. Everything was funny about that movie. From the movie location to the added in characters, everything was funny. I did not like how the movie sort of had the same plot and theme as the first movie but all and all the movie was fantastic.

  3. I really loved the Hangover II even though some of my friends said it was a disappointment. I thought it was funnier than the first one. Would you suggest they make Hangover III?

  4. Tell you the truth no. I feel they would be betting a dead horse...a funny dead horse at that. Yes both movies were funny but I dont think they can do anything else eles to make it funnier. If they did make another one, I believe it would be dumb instead of funny.

  5. jus came from that movie and agree with you both. i really agree with Jalen wen he says that he didnt like the that it had the same plot and them. it would have been much more interesting if it wasnt kinda like the first. now if they were to do a 3rd then i think they should change the story and make it much different from the first 2. so with saying that i dont think its completely dead jus yet.

  6. I think they should have a a #3, but not so much call it hangover III but something different. I still think all of them are funny as hell

  7. Well I thank you for your input. Now that I thnik about it, the 3rd movie could be funny but they would have to go in a different direction with the theme. I feel if that happens, and the movie is still funny, The director would have hit gold 3 times in a row.
