This movie sucked…well 95% of it at least. It was so much stuff going on the movie you find yourself getting lost not knowing what is going on. It was so confusing. So the movie was about this girl whose mother dies and her step father sends her to this women’s home. There the girls are forced to dance…kind of like prostitutes. However, when the main character dances she goes into another world but it is really the real world….your confused to…yea that how it was the whole movie. Now I say 95% of the movie sucked. That last 5% was the action scenes. There were only like four of them but they were pretty cool. Now the acting…..oh god the acting. It was so bad. I can’t believe a movie full of d list actresses could be so bad…oh never mind….stay away from this movie…please
Never heard of this movie - thanks - won't watch it