Saturday, July 2, 2011

Create something new

Creativity is everything. I have seen every time of movie you can imagine. It is very hard to be creative but you have to do it. Let me let you know something. When you are creating anything, many people want to see something different. When I look at a movie trailer, I do not want to see another movie about some boy trying to get the girl. But oh, the girl dose not want him. I have seen it before. But it is not just movies; it is with everything in life. I do not want to see the same graphic design everywhere I go. I hate seeing the same kind of commercials. Be new. You want to be creative, look at the old movies. That is why I love them. They are the origin of all the movies these days. You think movies like Avatar are original. Look at Abyss or Alien. Those movies are classics. So what I’m trying to say is make sure, if you want to be big, be original. So be creative when you Tell-A-Vision       

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